about the author

So, who am I? A young fit model who doesn’t need to work but thought I would give nursing a try. No, definitely not, realistically I am a hardworking healthcare assistant at the hospital about to start a nursing degree. Slightly scatty, overly energetic and with enough enthusiasm to persuade the world. Average in build, pretty plain Jane, to be fair. I have a fiancé of 18 years and a 16-year-old Diva, with a capital D. Tough time ahead. This diary commenced in 2013. It was a blessing for me and to help share my experiences. Yes, some bits you may find a tad boring but it certainly will give you an insight into my experiences.

about the book

A day in the life of a student nurse, what could possibly go wrong? If you're training to be a nurse right now, or just fancy an insight into what they do, read this book. It will tell you that sleepless nights from constant worrying is absolutely normal. To make mistakes and want the ground to swallow you up then get over them; this is normal. To eat and drink very little all day and suffer with constipation; this is, yes you guessed it: normal.No one tells you anything when you sign up. In fact, they forget to tell you very important details that actually make you believe you are losing your mind. Delirium is such a thing. But what will come out of this is a degree in nursing, followed by a registration which will give you the entitlement to being called a registered nurse-adults or children’s depends on what you chose. For me it’s an adult registered nurse. Don’t get overly excited you will have to pay £120 every year to have it renewed. You will need to be in a union of some sort, which equals more cost. On a lighter note the memories, the friendships and the experiences you receive, nursing profession: I love you. 



Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....


Temporarily unavailable.....

OMG!! I went to Wales on holiday for realease day, not quite celebrations just yet! And everyone is asking me where their book is and Amazon was saying temporarily unavailable 🤔 my answer..I don't blo ........

Yay! It's release day

Been waiting ages for this day to come. Now it's here I am like what do I do now? Well I signed up to Facebook, not to play mind games but to promote this book. My phone has never pinged so much, I do ........


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